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لا تستطيع أن تجد ما تبحث عنه؟توفير حل المواد الخام الصناعية القائمة على الفولاذ
فولاذ مجلفن مطلي مسبقًا ، فولاذ مطلي بالألمنيوم ، فولاذ مجلفن ، فولاذ مغنيسيوم من الألومنيوم والزنك ، فولاذ جالفالوم ، فولاذ مدرفل على البارد
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ما عليك سوى ملء النموذج أدناه وسنرد عليك في غضون 12 ساعة.
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Prefabricated steel framed buildings, portable cabins, kitset homes, emergency shelter and housing portable house.
portable house use light steel as its framework, material is sandwich panel, totoal new conception and economical and environmental protected house. Which aslo called prefabricated houses.
The advantage of portable shelter: can be assembly and disassembly at will, is convient to transport and move. can be assembly and disassembly conveniently and quickly. it is fit to locate in hillside, hill, grassland, desert, riverside and temporary houses when construction and earthquake and as blinds, etc.
the area of the house can be 15-160m2, it is clean, can be to use for 20 years for its good stability and durability. Its appearance beautiful, we can make as customer's requirements, has good heat preservation and insulation, earthquake proof, which has not only high value in use, but also good visual value.
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ما عليك سوى ملء النموذج أدناه وسنرد عليك في غضون 12 ساعة.
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